Mensagem recebida de vários destinatários com a seguinte observação:
Como é bom poder elogiar. Modelo para os Prelados brasileiros: Bispo de Portland lançou campanha diocesana e derrubou "casamento" homossexual no Maine
Richard J. Malone lançou DVD, abaixo-assinado, anúncios em botetins paroquiais e até coleta para doar dinheiro à campanha política contrária à união nefanda.
O Estado do Maine aprovou o "casamento" homossexual em maio; como a legislação estadual prevê a revogação de normas legais por iniciativa popular mediante consulta à população, o Bispo de Portland embarcou numa campanha estadual para repelir a legislação, colheu-se as assinaturas necessárias para obrigar o Estado a consultar os eleitores, e na Terça passada(3/11), seis meses depois da promulgação, realizou-se a votação que derrubou o "casamento" já em vigor.
Um único Bispo(de verdade!!!), criticado por vários "católicos" durante a campanha por politizar o seu episcopado, revogou a lei do pseudo-casamento no Estado do Maine inteiro.
(...) bishop, Richard J. Malone of Portland, (...)holds-barred campaign to roll back same-sex marriage in the Pine Tree State. Maine voters are to decide Nov. 3 whether to keep or reject a bill extending civil marriage to gay and lesbian couples that the state legislature passed and the governor signed in May.
(...)Bishop Malone is a primary leader in a highly visible and vocal campaign to stop any reformulation of civil marriage to include of same-sex couples.
Besides spearheading a parish-based petition signature drive, assisted by local and national socially conservative groups, Malone also padded church bulletins with anti-gay marriage messages — on six consecutive Sundays. He required that pastors throughout the diocese preach on traditional marriage.
Bishop Richard J. Malone Malone has produced a DVD, in which he stars, explaining why marriage matters, and directed that it be shown in all parishes.(...)
Last month, Malone called for a second collection to be taken up during Sunday Masses, with proceeds going to Stand for Marriage, the organization leading the repeal effort.
The second collection netted $86,000. In total, the Portland diocese has given $550,000 to the effort to repeal the same-sex marrieage legislation. The Catholic fraternal organization, the Knights of Columbus, has given another $50,000 to the cause.
(COLBERT. Chuck. “In Maine, same-sex marriage is a catholic issue”.
Pamella Starbird Beliveau of Lewiston, Maine, was removed as a lector and Eucharistic Minister after (...) she wrote for the local newspaper approving of same-sex marriage.
(COLBERT. Chuck. “Gay marriage supporter removed from ministries”
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